Friday, June 4, 2010

New Patio Cushions

Remember when I said I had ordered new patio cushions? It was a while back.  They came from Target and I thought I had found a heck of a deal.  
We used them for the first time during Peter's graduation party and by the end of the day they were all flat!  FLAT!  I was so upset. I never had really bought cushions from Target, I usually got them from Local specialty stores like Forshaws or Seasonal Concepts, but I have bought cushions from discount retailers for some odd chairs that we have outside and have never run into this problem.  Anyway, dh said they had to go back, me of course feels like they have been used, tags removed and shouldn't go back.  I lose and he returns them!  Long story short, I ordered new ones from Frontgate and they arrived today!

Nice Sunbrella Fabric that I suspect I will get years of wear out of. Color is called Gingko.

The table while naked

These are made really well and include a zipper for easy cleaning along with velcro ties.

I'm really pleased with how they look and because I was already all hot and sweaty since it's 90 here today, I went ahead and  unpacked the Melamine dishes that I bought in the spring from Target.  I don't normally care for plastic dishes, but Jack and breakable do not go together with flagstone.

Not bad for Melamine eh?

I left them set out for dinner tonight so I need to get off here and get cooking!  Happy Evening Everyone!


  1. ok....first of all, if that is your very own patio/yard....i want to come visit. It looks absolutely beautiful there!!! Love the new cushions, love the table and yes! the dishes look "real" :)))
    Very good taste....i wish i would have been there for dinner! What DID you make???
    happy weekend to you:)

  2. Hey Dawn, so glad you have your internet back and are able to walk as well...;)
    I ended up grilling panini's...we ended up eating inside...:-/
    Dh had worked in the 90 degree temps all day and I got the drift that he certainly didn't want to have dinner out in it! Sooo...another day, perhaps if we could hold off eating until dusk when it cools down, but the man is famished by the time he gets home from work, so we tend to eat right around 5:00 pm.

    And yes,it really IS my own patio/yard and has been for the past 21 years! I do love it so. An impromptu visit would be
    Happy weekend to you as well!

  3. Your yard is absolutely beautiful and so is your table! I couldn't tell those were melamine. Good plan with a little guy and flagstone!

  4. Thanks Cristy! It is my little oasis...I should try to enjoy it more!
    Nice job on your new header. I was intending to comment this morning but then ended up spending the whole day trying to get Jacks stupid computer to recognize my printer on the network. Darn firewall is driving me up a wall!
    Hope you had a great day! :)

  5. I am LOVING those lime cushions. It all looks truly beautiful.

  6. Your patio dining set is gorgeous and I love those plates. Where did you get them? I did a patio cover redo (actually new do,lol). My camera broke so I'm waiting for my sister's photos to be sent to me.

  7. I ordered those dishes from Target online. They are really pretty in person and perfect for outside! I'll keep a look out for your patio cover redo!

  8. Hi Sherri! I wanted you to know that I "linked" this post on the BlogFrog's 31-Day Problogger Challenge! We had to pick posts we like. I just thought your yard was so beautiful and the table with the settings look great!


  9. Sorry! I mispelled your name in the last comment!

  10. Cool! Thanks Cristy! I need to work this place into more of my post. There really is so much around here I would love to share!
