Monday, June 21, 2010

Happy Midsummers Day!

Hope everyone is enjoying this Summer Solstice day! We had a crazy busy weekend with a family wedding Saturday night and of course Fathers day yesterday. So today I should be getting the house back in order...but no....I'm working on a little project. This project makes me feel 10 again...well maybe 13. It's hard to remember really the last time I decoupaged.

Said project involves this.....

and this....

Ya, I know! Exciting eh?  Bet you can't wait to see the outcome...right?

Ok seriously, remember when I ordered that spring cleaning index box and card system?  I promised to write about it but just have never gotten around to it.  It came and it was just adorable but really didn't meet my needs.  As a long time user of the "I survive with 3x5's" general system I guess I am somewhat set in my ways.  I know what works for me and what doesn't. First off I need space, I keep everything in there including a my whole address book!   I also need a slant so I can see right in there.  Slanted, tilted or laddered file boxes are not that easy to find, at least not the pretty ones.  So there in lies my project.  That picture above is the speckled index box I wrote of as being my first.  I loved the practicality of that box just not the looks, so that's my project.  I know....childlike, but it's been fun.  Messy but fun.

Alrighty then, back to the messy goo.  Pretty sure it's time for another layer of the stuff and really, I need to get all of my cards back in there so I know how to spend my days!  (that's a joke...sort of) *g*


  1. Cannot wait to see the outcome:)
    Happy Summer Day to you!

  2. Omg....I love mod podge! My favorite thing to do with it is create plaques out of wedding invitations/announcements and wood cut-outs ...and then give as a gift.
    Thanks for the follow ...I am following you back!
    I hope you have a wonderful week, and I can't wait to see the finished project!

  3. When telling my sister about this little escapade of mine, she reminded me that I once went mod podge crazy with some of Mom's irreplaceable photos when I was a child, and then I remembered. Yep, I mod podged bunches of her favorite photos on little hunks of wood. As I recall she showed mixed emotions when I gave her these "gifts". Funny thing about that though...Mom still has those around!
    Thanks for stopping by. Any blog with the name "coffee" in it I'm instantly drawn to and I had fun reading at yours today!

  4. Looking forward to seeing what you make! Something good always comes from ModgePodge! :-)

    Enjoy the rainbows! ;-)

    PS: LOVE your site design!

  5. I firmly believe that doing something creative every day, even if it's just coloring in a coloring book, improves our outlook and productivity for the rest of the day. So go glue-happy with the mod podge :)

  6. Coloring books! I have tons of those around here. After you guys see how my box turned out you're going to be begging me to color instead! ;)
