Let me start off by saying, as a rule of thumb, we don't get "measurable" snow on a regular basis around this area, so we tend to get a little excited over the white stuff! We do get snow every year, though seldom this early and it's always a surprise when it doesn't miss us! Well...It didn't MISS us this time! It is only around 2 1/2 inches but it's just stunning!! Beautifully white and fluffy, and the sort that you can just brush off your drive!
The birds are just going wacky and I just had to catch some of them in action! All of these photos were taken from inside because gosh darn it, it's COLD out there!
You think he spotted me? ;)
Althea's loving it!
Hope you all are having a most joyous day, whether you have some of the white stuff or not!