Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Kitchen Pantry Re-Do

Happy Wednesday!  Let me start off by saying I am totally off schedule with my Houseworks Holiday Plan.  Last week was "Close to Home week" and if I had followed the plan, I would have been de-junking Jacks room, which I didn't, though Jack and Dad did go through some toys and we were able to gather a very large black trash bag full of toys to donate to the Vets.

I didn't stick to the plan because I had other things on my mind, namely my pantry which has been driving me bonkers!  This is a before picture...:/

Really, pretty embarrassing...

It reached a point that I couldn't find anything.
So I stopped by Wal-Mart on my way from dropping Jack at school to look for some storage containers.

I was thrilled when I ran across all of these! I bought a  variety along with picking up a couple of cases of canning  jars in a large and small size.

Next I loaded them all up and gave them a good wash.

I pulled everything out of the pantry and scrubbed the shelves down.  I almost stopped to paint (as is my side tracked way) but reminded myself that not only did I not have time to paint, but that's not what this job was about and that I would add "paint" pantry to my list of things to do in the future.  Once the jars were washed and dry I started transferring anything that I could into a glass jar.  I cut out cooking directions for cereals, tapioca's and such and put those in a small file box. My intentions are to copy those over to index cards and have them in the recipe box. I also cut out the name of the item, as in "Cream of Wheat" and taped them on the lid of the glass jars.  A label maker would have come in handy here, though if I had a label maker I would probably be out of either ink or labels anyway, so this worked just fine.  And here is the big Ta Da!

All in all I'm very happy with the outcome.   I feel way more organized and everything just looks better. I also think I've decided to just replace the 25 year old shelves with wire shelving in the future.  Next up will be the other kitchen pantry that's around the corner in the laundry room.

But not this week, this week is House Room Week....which I have switched with Me and Mine week because I worked on the guest bedroom last week because we had a guest come last Wed.  So this week I'm working on the Master Bedroom space. I haven't gotten to this yet as my guest just left Monday, I don't remember what I did yesterday and today I spent the whole morning backing up my blog because I was forced into finally doing the wordpress 3.01 update (that I didn't want to do out of fear) because my image uploader stopped working!!

Aughhhh! Anyway, I conquered the pantry and now have managed to get my blog software updated properly and will now push "publish" on this entry I started 4 1/2 hours ago!

Hope everyone is having a lovely, "non frustrating" Wednesday! Happy Pantry re-do to you!



  1. You are my hero! I have to admit... my pantry looks way worse than yours did. I have it on my list of to-do's. :)
    Hope you're doing good!
    xo, Amber

  2. Don't you love to-do list? NOT!!
    I'm sure you're busy like crazy but I sure do miss you, so it's good to see you! All is well in my little world!

  3. I JUST cleaned mine out yesterday afternoon:))
    Yours looks much nicer though;)

  4. Did you really??? How funny, maybe it's just that time of year where we feel like we need more control? Funny how something so simple can make such a big difference in our moods eh? Or maybe I'm just weird that way!
    Good to see you as always Dawn! xoxo

  5. We aren't going to talk about my pantry, nope!

  6. Looks very nice! Congratulations! ;)

    Note to self: get your butt in gear!

  7. Sheesh, did I really have my old address on here?! I should really comment more often!

  8. I'm alive....that much I can say! LOL!!
    I have a fish recipe to post I swear! Dawn, I'm going to call last month "My Lost October" (trying really hard to climb back on this horse)
    hugs and I miss you too!
