Monday, August 23, 2010

Jack’s First Day of School

The day has arrived. Early to bed worked, early to rise, worked. We we’re out the door by 7:30 and arrived right on time! I watched as the teacher escorted him from the car….I didn’t cry, instead I felt total joy for him and all of the adventures that lie ahead! He was a little anxious I think, as he informed me from the back seat that he “threw up” a little in his mouth! lol….I thought that was too cute!

I told Jack that we needed to take a first day of school photo like I always did with his siblings. He was not thrilled about this and through every photo was complaining that he was cold!


This is cold Jack…:/ btw…it wasn’t cold but there was a chill (I guess)


Cute face eh? *g*


I just couldn’t get a smile out of him, but he was happy, I swear!!


Ahh, now we’re happy because we have moved into backpack mode!

Ok, so that’s been my day so far. Now if I can manage not to forget to pick him up, I’ll have this day in the bag! Jim and I were out of town for the weekend, sort of like Summer Camp for grown ups! We had a blast and I’ll blog about it soon. For now, I’m just going to enjoy this especially quiet and relaxing day!

Hope everyone's week has started out on the right foot!


  1. Happy 1st day of school Jack!

    Cute kiddo!

  2. He's adorable! Congrats on getting him to school on time :) Hope he enjoys his first day!

  3. What a cute little man! I wish mine were still that little.

  4. wow....what a day for you...and Jack:)
    Hope his day and yours goes really well!
    Can't wait to hear about your "grown-up adventures"!

    Happy day Sheree....

  5. What a cutie! He'll love Sacred Heart. Who are the pre-primary teachers now?

  6. Kristin, his Head teacher is Rose Van Voorn. I believe she was the Primary teacher for years. The helper teachers are Jeanne King and Lila Noble. You know any of them? He came home with homework today! =:-O

  7. Can't wait to hear how his day went (and yours for that matter)! Hope you had a relaxing day Sheree!
    xo, Amber

  8. Amber, he did great and just loved it! Last night at dinner he said he wished it was tomorrow so he could be back at school! My day was relaxing....I didn't do a thing! :)

  9. Good for you! When I get the chance to be alone (which isn't often!), I always say I'm gonna relax... YEAH RIGHT! Cleaning always takes presidence. I'm proud of you mama! ;) A.
