Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Ambers Black Rooster Cottage Blog, Christmas Giveaway

I have a Christmas cookie post to share with you, but gosh darn I'm just so busy and still haven't gotten the photos off my camera. But my blogging friend Amber is having a wonderful Christmas giveaway on her blog that will be ending soon, so I wanted to send out a quick post about that! I love the pillows that she is giving away and thought about a few of my readers as well when I saw them! So if you're interested, hop on over there and take a quick peek!
The picture is a link...;)

The winner will be chosen Christmas morning, so don't dawdle! (Sorry I'm so late sharing this info with you)

Sunday, December 12, 2010

First Snow

Let me start off by saying, as a rule of thumb, we don't get "measurable" snow on a regular basis around this area, so we tend to get a little excited over the white stuff! We do get snow every year, though seldom this early and it's always a surprise when it doesn't miss us! Well...It didn't MISS us this time! It is only around 2 1/2 inches but it's just stunning!! Beautifully white and fluffy, and the sort that you can just brush off your drive!

The birds are just going wacky and I just had to catch some of them in action! All of these photos were taken from inside because gosh darn it, it's COLD out there!

You think he spotted me? ;)

Althea's loving it!

Hope you all are having a most joyous day, whether you have some of the white stuff or not!

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Christmas Time Mantel

Probably like the rest of you, I have been busy decorating the house for the season! I can remember in years gone by this time before Christmas just dragging by...s.l.o.w.l.y....!   Where did those days go?  Now days, time seems to fly right out the window.  I do tend to dawdle more now than I did when I was younger and perhaps that's it.  I really have slowed down and just seem to take so much more in.  In any case, I thought I would share some images of our Mantel this Christmas. Every year I do it up differently and this year is no exception. All of the photo's below will enlarge when clicked on.  I really had to resist posting them all BIG!

This guy has been in our family for years on end....I love him!
He plays soft Christmas tunes and his world globe spins slowly...

Jack has laid claim on all 5 of the stockings this year!

A hand painted gift from my son and his wife. This ornament was painted from the inside! Just stunning...

I love Christmas time and all the shiny things to go along with the love you can feel in the air!  I also really enjoy sharing with you my little place in the world, and how it looks and changes with each season.  Now all I need is some snow!  Can you hear my Santa?